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Foro » Twitter » Is Twitter easy for you to use?

Shortie861 w 38 08-11-2014 16:52
Twitter I thought was one of the most hardest social networking sites to grasp I felt when I first started using it. I remember signing up for an account and when my account was all set up being very confused with the whole following and hash tags that where available. I have since been on Twitter now for around 5 years and the hash tags and following is now something I find really easy.

Was Twitter easy for you to get used to or was it something you had to use for a while to get used to?
njgirl14 w 40 Bday 08-11-2014 23:56
I initially joined in 2009 and never understood the point. Then when I realized the only thing I was using Facebook for was to post statuses, Twitter seemed so much easier. I only wish that Twitter had a "like" feature that was similar to Facebook's. I'm not really keen on marking everything as a favorite.
Shortie861 w 38 08-12-2014 22:14
njgirl14 w 40 Bday #178276
I initially joined in 2009 and never understood the point. Then when I realized the only thing I was using Facebook for was to post statuses, Twitter seemed so much easier. I only wish that Twitter had a "like" feature that was similar to Facebook's. I'm not really keen on marking everything as a favorite.

I agree with you on a like feature. I would myself personally love to see this implemented into Twitter as I feel having to favourite everything or retweet everything is just a pain and sometimes is not needed. I can not understand why this has not been implemented as of yet as it seems to be a popular feature everywhere else.
hbss m 45 09-23-2017 19:14
Its fun. We dont have pain. The software is working fine. The friends are also happy by using Twitter. Maybe You have windows problems. Can You reach thet URL?

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